Hi, I'm Gaspard, a nerdy tech entrepreneur from Angers, France, blending hospitality, technology, and innovation. With a background in hotel management and computer science, I've embraced diverse international roles, especially in South-East Asia, and co-founded a NFT art venture and Tomorrow Theory an HR innovation studio where I'm currently acting as CTO.

I am deeply passionate about AI, blockchain, and resilience systems, I co-authored "Working in the Age of Generative AI". I advocate for decentralization and digital democracy. My curiosity extends to exploring altered states of consciousness, enriching my perspective and creativity.

Medium member since September 2023
Connect with Gaspard Tertrais
Gaspard Tertrais

Gaspard Tertrais

Book Author

Cofounder & CTO @tomorrow_theory #blockchain #ai #futureofwork #software #engineer